About Me

Name : Nadya Kusuma Andarani

Age    : 17

Hobby and Interest : Watching movie and youtube, Baking, Trying new recipe, Reading.I live in Bandung, Indonesia. Currently attend last year of senior high and a newbie of bloggers world.

I've read a lot of others people blog especially about beauty since 3 or 4 years ago and I really want to make my own but I never know what im gonna write on my blog haha. Honestly I started this blog because  the task from one of my teacher at school, and therefore I thought why not to continoue this blog. So I'm planning to write a lot here, mostlyrandom things about my life, interesting places, good recipe or maybe a products review. I hope everything goes well :p

And last but not least, forgive me for my bad english. I know my english is sucks and I hardly use it in my daily life, but I want to learn more and improve my english skill through this blog so yeah dont judge me and correct me if somethings wrong.Thank you, and enjoy my blog

1 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

why dont you keep this blog alive , it would be awesome !

p.s im still 'here'

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